Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Geography Assignment

We started today with Latin America and looked at the introductory pages. Please go over these at home as well. Review from page VIII to page 1. The assignment was to read pages 2 to 7 and answer the questions on the sheet I supplied in class. It is due Thursday, August 30.

Monday, August 27, 2007

First Bible Memory

The first Bible memory passage that will be due is REVELATIONS 21: 3-4. I feel it will not be due until Wednesday, September 5. It can be done at home, and turned in with a parent signature indicating it was done, and how many helps were needed. A form will be available in class.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Are you ready for next week?

Well, is less than a week before you have to start getting up early, eating a good breakfast, and dressing is something else besides bathing suits and flip-flops. See you Tuesday.