Monday, March 31, 2008


BIBLE: Our lesson/assignment today is Skirmishes with the Samaritans. Finish the worksheet for Tuesday. memory work was collected today from Nehemiah. Our next two memory passages will be completed in class as journals or art work.
GEOGRAPHY: Our next biggie, is the test Wednesday on Chapters 1 and 2 - East Asia. We watched some of a Geographic special on North Korea.
Our prayer country today is Guinea-Bissau, and our character trait is sensitivity.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Bible: We worked on a question/answer sheet dealing with he return of the Jews from captivity. It is due tomorrow. The next memory passage is due Monday. Nehemiah 9:5b-6.
In 7a and 7c we were able to get a start on a group map project dealing with the Koreas. We will finish it tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, we will finish that map and then Office Ko will be teaching the other half, so I will not post a blog on Friday. You have all you need to know.Our prayer country today is Japan, and our character trait is Punctuality.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Sorry, about yesterday. Old Age, you know.
In Bible today we took a test on Unit 7, Days of Exile.
Ephesians 2:8-9 is due tomorrow. The next one from Nehemiah is due next Monday.
No Geography today.
Prayer country is Thailand
Character Trait is Humility

Monday, March 24, 2008


In Bible today we did the lesson on the Four Beasts. This is a neat lesson that really is a bog building block for the rest of the semester. We did the work in class, as we will do tomorrow as well. The test will be Wednesday on this unit.
In Geography we read pages 50-53 about the two Koreas. After, we took a moodle quiz on this material. Most kids had an 8 or a 9 out of 9. Way to go.
Prayer country is Kuwait
Character Trait is Security

Friday, March 21, 2008


From the land where we had spring - yesterday.
In Bible we had the time to work on and hopefully finish the visual work started yesterday on Daniel.
Officer Ko came for our Geography time today. Ask the kids what he talked about.
Prayer country: East Timor
Character Trait: Determination

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Bible: Today we worked on an art type project dealing with Daniel, Keeping the Faith. Hope to finish it tomorrow. Test review sheets were handed out for next Wednesday's test. Memory work will be due the day after, (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Geography we did another DOG, and saw some visuals on Japan and China. No Homework
Prayer country: The Gaza Strip
Character Trait: Tolerance

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Bible: Today we read a lesson in class about Ezekiel's vision of DRY BONES. All we did was a readers theater with no written work.
In Geography we read the section on Japan. The students are being asked to look carefully for what has made Japan successful in their economy and what has caused problems. Also they were to look at the role of women in Japanese society.
Pray country is Gambia. Average life expectancy is only 54 years.
Character trait is Gratefulness

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today we would up doing just about all Geography. We looked at two brief videos about the Pedicab and another on the Yellow River in China. Our assignment was to read pp 40-44 and complete a sheet on China.
We did recite Romans 5:8 to complete that memory work. Our next is Ephesians 2:8-9 which will be due next week.
Prayer country: Big time, remember Pakistan
Character trait is Thriftiness. With the number of pens and pencils I find, this is a trait many kids should work on.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Bible: We worked on "The Good Shepherd" lesson today both in class and the rest is to be finished for tomorrow. We did not do Geography today since this was the first day of our 7 day visit by Officer Ko McGee from the Zeeland Police Department. He will rotate between the 7th grade classes during this and next week.
Prayer country: Somalia
Character Trait: Hospitality

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Bible: We spend about 30 minutes in class finishing the sheet from yesterday on The Glory Returns.
Geography: On Moodle,there is an assignment from our textbook. Read pages 35-39 and create an INSPIRATION chart covering the material. there will be a 9 question qioz on this section Friday in class.
Prayer country today is Turkey
Character trait is Decisiveness

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Bible: We began an assignment on THE GLORY RETURNS. I hoped that they would get through three sets of questions and Bible passages. The rest will be finished tomorrow in class.
We did not do more than DOG and look at an 8 minute video about the Forbidden City in Beijing, China.
Prayer country: Cambodia
Character Trait: Responsibility

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Bible: Today we covered the lesson "The Glory Departs" when God moved from the temple because of the sins of his people. There was no written assignment.
Geography: We only had a little time to talk about Confucius and his ideas which became a religion in China.
Prayer country: Tunisia
Character Trait: Forgiveness

Monday, March 10, 2008



Just a reminder, for Geography read pagers 29-34 and do Questions 1,3,5. Carefully and completely
Paper Drive coming up this Friday.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


14 days till Spring!
Bible today: We did the lesson on Ezekiel's call and vision. This was an assigned group worksheet which is due tomorrow.
Geography: We took D.O.G. quiz #4, and did a little catch-up material on Asia, chapter 1.
7A has a Living Through History Survival test on Friday. They are as prepared as they can get.
Prayer country today is Qatar, and the character trait is Generosity.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Well, we got the Bible test in today. With all the missed snow days, I just could not put it off any longer. There was no new assignment in Bible. Memory for nest week is Romans 5:8.
In Geography a review sheet was given which is due tomorrow. Hope to start the history of China, Japan and Korea tomorrow.
Pray for Lebanon, and develop the character trait of patience.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Bible: Test tomorrow.

Prayer country is Brunei
Character trait is Hospitality

Monday, March 3, 2008


New marking period today. Is this year flying for you too?
Today in Bible we did the last lesson in unit 6, Back to Egypt. There should have been enough time to finish this is class. The kids also received a review sheet for a test on Wednesday. MEMORY WORK ON LAMENTATIONS IS DUE TOMORROW.
In Geography we did a none-counting quiz on Climate and Vegetation of Asia as a review of that section. They did really well. There was no additional assignment today.
Our prayer country is Bahrain, and our character trait is ORDERLINESS.